Half Century

In this very special episode (#50!) of The Wandering DP Podcast we chat with cinematographer Dustin Lane.

Thanks for listening and fingers crossed there is more good times to come in the future.

Dustin Lane

Personal Website – dustin-lane.com

2 Responses

  1. Jan

    Hey, really liked your thoughts on where everything is going with you and this website! I can really relate to a lot of things you talked about!
    Keep up your efforts to make this a great site!
    Cheers from Germany!

  2. Rafael Abreu-Canedo

    Hey, I’m just discovering your podcast now. Thank you so much for putting these together! I’m not a master DP by any means, but I totally agree with you about not just “what” you do, but “when and why” you do it. And even if it is only a feeling and intuitive, you still have that as a reason to do something other than just “it looks nice”.