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On this episode of The Wandering DP Podcast we look at a few ways you can start to breakdown your references and we go over understanding the what and the why of image evaluation.

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    One Response

    1. Justin

      First off, I just want to thank you for all the hard work you put into this show. I can only imagine how busy you are and yet you still take the time to help fuel others passion for cinematography. There are very few GREAT places to learn more detailed cinematography and I consider your site one of the few, so thank you!

      Second, I have a question about day EXTs. In this podcast you talk about how shade is a tell during Day EXT because you can get a better Key / background ratio. My question Is: Is there a trick to getting the BG one stop under, in camera, if there is no shade? Or do you rely on the Grade to bring down the BG in post? I guess you could blast your subject with light to raise their levels, but you have to have big enough lights for the job and keep it natural. Just wondering if you have a cool tip for this.
