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Show Notes
In this episode of The Wandering DP Podcast we sit down and talk with Director, DP, & Digital Imaging Specialist Phil Holland. Phil is a film industry veterna who has worked on a wide variety of projects in numerous capacities and we chat with him on current RED cameras, his approach to cinematography and film making and a whole lot more.
TWDP 014: Digital Image Capture – What You’ll Hear in this Episode:
This episode focuses on digital image capture and ensuring that you get the most out of your chosen tools. We talk about lenses, camera systems, brands, techniques, and skills.
Phil is very knowledgable and has done extensive testing with pretty much every camera on the market today. He shares his thoughts on the state of digital motion capture.
Inspiration Corner
This week’s Inspiration Corner comes from The Hollywood Reporter and it is a round table discussion featuring some of today’s top cinematographers.
This year on the program they chose to bring on Roger Deakins, Matthew Libatique, Dion Beebe, Jeff Cronenweth, Dick Pope, & Benoit Delhomme.
A must watch if you are interested in hearing from some of the biggest names in the business.
Cinematography Round Table – Watch Here
Style Uncovered
The DSC OneShot Chart is great for throwing in your bag and always having with you. It is small and compact which makes transport a breeze.
This little chart has come in handy on a variety of different occasions and if you are doing any filed testing on your own or with your AC in a small crew this thing can be just what you need to get the results you are after.
If you are looking for a chart be sure to give this one a look.
If you want to see how to use a chart check out this clip from 2009:
Article by Art Adams on Pro Video Coalition: DSC OneShot Chart
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Featured Interview
Phil Holland – Professional Site
David Fincher’s Gone Girl Trailer
Gone Girl – 4k Workflow BTS
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