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Show Notes
In this episode of The Wandering DP Podcast we continue our conversation with Director, DP, & Digital Imaging Specialist Phil Holland. Phil is a film industry veteran who has worked on a wide variety of projects in numerous capacities and we chat with him on current camera technology, his approach to cinematography and film making and a whole lot more.
TWDP 014: Digital Image Capture – What You’ll Hear in this Episode:
This episode focuses on digital image capture and ensuring that you get the most out of your chosen tools. We talk about lenses, camera technology, brands, techniques, and skills.
Phil is very knowledgable and has done extensive testing with pretty much every camera on the market today. He shares his thoughts on the state of digital motion capture.
Inspiration Corner
This week’s inspiration corner is one of the best lighting workshops I have ever seen. The workshop was produced by a company called the Film Book and it is led by Danish cinematographer Eric Kress.
It is fantastic because it shows you all the various set ups one by one as Eric adds and takes away lights to create various moods. If you haven’t seen it it is well worth the 40 minutes of run time.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Style Uncovered
LED Group Guy – Group Buy
Get in on it if you are interested before it closes. I am down for 15 meters of Variable and dimmers myself.
The Original:
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Featured Interview
Phil Holland – Professional Site
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Hey mate,
Nice stuff in here, really digging it.
I have several questions in mind.
Can you tell more about the reflecting material they use on the video? What they are made of (cotton?!) What other stuff can be used to reflect, block or soften the light?
What they use to block the light?
Like everything related to “reflection of the light” out of something
My Second question that I ask myself while watching something,
In the dialogue scene you have over the shoulder where u see the other person, and when u don’t see other person. What the difference? More or less