
Commercial Director

Camille Marotte is a French commercial director who’s work I have been following for a few years.  His style is unique and his grading and eye for color set him apart .

I originally was put on to Camille through his vimeo page but he also has a great set of his stills work on his flickr and 500px accounts.


Color Treatment

All of Camille’s work has a great deal of attention paid to the mood and palette.  His colors are always consistent and he does a great job of pushing the grade to the edge but maintaining a bit of reality as well.

He has said numerous times in the comment’s section of his videos that he mainly pulls from his background in photography for grading.  He also uses/used After Effects for his own personal projects.   He would cut, color, and finish all inside After Effects.

Everyone has to find their own way of working and no one method fits all when it comes to production.


Motion Work

Camille has been able to keep his style and voice consistent across his stills and motion work.  There is something about the darkness and contrast that really makes his images stand out.

His heavy use of backlight is also something I’ve started to implement in my motion work.

Early work has a very defined genre across the different projects but he has started to open up to new formats as his experience levels have grown.

He definitely looks to be on the rise in the directing sphere and I look forward to seeing more from him in the future.

Inspiration to Action

What do you think of Camille’s style?  Can you see yourself drawing on Camille’s photos for inspiration on your own projects?

Further Info

If you’d like to see more of his work as a photographer and a director you can find him here:





All images in this post are © Camille Marotte

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    3 Responses

    1. Brett Hamilton

      Man, that work is absolutely exquisite. You’re getting closer and closer to this standard Patrick – keep up the great work mate!

    2. Femi

      This is really inspiring. I think Camille Marotte will be one of the filmmakers I’m be studying for a couple of days. I especially like his use of natural lighting and the subtle lighting textures of the works that I have seen. Thank you for sharing!

    3. Christopher White

      I just stumbled upon this guy’s work randomly on Vimeo the other day and thought to myself while listening to one of your podcasts if you’ve heard of him and would put him on the show. Hahaha