Today on the podcast we are breaking down a small commercial spot that was shot right at the on set of the COVID restrictions here in Western Australia.

The crew had to be kept small, the set ups were contained and all in all I think that makes the techniques and tips we talk about in the podcast applicable to a wide range of film makers.

Enjoy the behind the scenes look and if you have questions head over to the Patreon Group and flick them through.

Patreon Podcast: The Bat

The Bat.

In this week's Patreon Breakdown video we analyze the new Batman trailer shot by Greig Fraser ASC.  

This is an awesome looking film with some high level work in every department and breaking this down helps to see what is possible with modern day cinematography tools and techniques.

You can find this week's Patreon content by clicking the link below:

The Wandering DP Patreon Group

If you are a fan of the podcast and want more video content the patreon group is the place to be.  Each and every week I release an exclusive podcast, video, or live stream just for the Patreon members.

Patreon members also get access to the Private Facebook community for the show.  The podcast couldn't exist without the Patreon support and I do my best to take care of the supporters.

COVID Crew - The New Reality

A small job in one location shot in one day during the COVID restrictions.

Camera Gear:

We used the Alexa Mini LF with Atlas Anamorphics and we shot Prores 444XQ.

The lighting was all house power fixtures so nothing larger than an Arri M18.

The Spot - Shot by Shot

Shot 1 - The Wide

The Shot

Lady sitting on a bed not feeling great.

The Lighting

This was a tricky one as the orientation of the room relative to the sun and the time of day we had to shoot here made it challenging getting the correct levels in place.

We used the Arri M18 to bring up the ambient inside so we could hold the exposure in the windows.

For the key light we used an Arri Sky Panel pushed through a 4x4 with a grid on it.

Camera left we used 2 4x4 floppies to help control contrast and added haze to give the white walls a more muted look.

The Result

The Location

Set Up #2 - The Angle Change

The Shot

A slight angle change and a lens change on the previous set up.

The Lighting

This is a continuation of the previous set up with everything brought slightly closer.

The Result

Set Up #3 - The Phone/Card Shot

The Shot

A classic.

The Lighting

We ditched the Arri M18 for the room tone and just used two Sky Panels to control the key and the BG.

The key was the same as before just pushing through a 4x4 frame with a grid on it.  Add some neg and we were ready to shoot.

The Result

Set Up #4 - The Living Room

The Shot

A young girl feels not so great on the sofa.

The Lighting

We used the same lights as the previous scene and in pretty much the same configuration.  

The M18 acted as the BG room tone level and the Sky Panel through a larger 8x8 pice of diffusion acted as the key to help carry the level across the entire foreground.

The Result

Set Up #5 - Down the Line

The Shot

Same as above but closer.

The Lighting

Same as above but closer.

The Result

Shot #6 - Vertical for the Win

The Shot

An instagram ad element shot vertically.

The Lighting

WE originally planned to shoot this on the other side of the house but we were running out of time so we needed a quick fix.

We used an 8x8 of Hi Lite to take the edge off the sun which is frame right.  Then we added a 4x4 poly to the front to help bring up the level in the foreground and wrap the sunlight around the face.

The Result

Shot #7 - Less than Ideal

The Shot

Lady is stung by a bee.

The Lighting

We hot this as the first shot of the day and it was less than ideal from a lighting point of view.  

The sun was below the horizion and the best aspect in the back yard of this location meant we were looking right into where the sun would come up/

We tried to keep the sun directly behind her head so we could expose for the sky and then keyed with the Arri M18 through an 8x8 from frame left.

Add a little Neg Fill from frame right and that was it.

The Result