Patrick O'Sullivan - Cinematographer
The Wandering DP Podcast: Episode #277 - Jessica Young
Hello everybody!
After a few (read many) technical difficulties I finally got a chance to chat with cinematographer Jessica Young about her most recent work on the documentary What Drives Us.
Our conversation covers her beginnings in the film business, navigating her way through the industry, and how documentary work carries over to narrative.
I really enjoyed our chat and I hope you are able to take some things away from the conversation.
Advanced Cinematography: On Set Training
It is finally here!!
I have been waiting for the technology to catch up and allow us to take this show on the road. Seeing the visuals broken down after the fact has been great but building the shots from the ground up is a completely new experience and that is why I am so excited about this new course.
See a project from start to finish and come on set to watch and listen as the shots are built, schedules are constructed, and problems overcome.
I am very proud of the course and it is without a doubt the best, most concise way to learn about my approach to cinematography and to see exactly how I do my job on and off set.
If you are interested in seeing the Framework in action I highly suggest you check it out:
Patreon Breakdown - The Mauritanian

The Mauritanian shot by Alwin Kuchler BSC is a very interesting looking film and by far the clearest image I have ever seen on my home television.
The detail in the modern day scenes was so nuanced it made me do a double take on why I was reacting to it the way I was. Still not sure I can pin point what was going on but it was razor sharp.
Besides the tech side of things Alwin also pulled off some very unique stylized moments and that is where we focus the lions share of our attention this week on the Patreon Breakdown.
To watch the video click the link below:
Featured Guest - Cinematographer Jessica Young
Website: Jessica Young
Instagram: @jbyfilm