On the show this week we chat with Jas Shelton the cinematographer behind the look of Homecoming Season 2 which recently earned him an Emmy nomination.

Jas talks about his approach the pre-production, working on a series at scale, and his on set process.  Lots of great info from someone producing great work at a very high level.


Commercial Cinematography: The Foundation Course

If you are interested in Commercial Cinematography and getting the most out of Pre-Production than this course is for you. 

In the course I lay out a step by step plan of action to get on commercial production radars and raise the level of your projects by maximising the prep time you have at your disposal.

Check it out:

Commercial Cinematography - The Foundation

Patreon Podcast - Locker Room Talk

Some day you will find yourself in a locker room.  There wont be any windows, the walls will be white and the ceilings will be low.  Will you make it look good?  Doubt it.

So what are some ideas that could help if you ever find yourself in that very situation.  I am glad you asked.

This week on the Patreon podcast we look at two very different sports locker room scenes and breakdown what they did well and what you could do in the same siutation.

To see the images and listen to the special breakdown podcast click the link below:

The Wandering DP Patreon

Featured Guest - Cinematographer Jas Shelton

Personal Website:  Jas Shelton

Instagram: @jas.shelton