On the show today we are chatting with veteran cinematographer Alan Jacobsen.

Alan has worked on a wide range of projects from his powerful documentary features to commercial gigs.  In this episode we discuss his approach to lighting, how documentary work can make you a better dp, and much more.

Be sure to check out a small sample of Alan's work below and stay up to date on all his projects in the future.


Commercial Cinematography: The Foundation Course

If you are interested in Commercial Cinematography and getting the most out of Pre-Production than this course is for you. 

In the course I lay out a step by step plan of action to get on commercial production radars and raise the level of your projects by maximising the prep time you have at your disposal.

Check it out:

Commercial Cinematography - The Foundation

Patreon Breakdown - The Trial of the Chicago 7

The Patreon group is now fully across the Framework and how to use it to get the most out of your cinematography.  We are now starting to branch out into select situations where you might want to start breaking the rules.

In this week's Patreon Breakdown we look at a challenging scene from the Netflix film The Trial of the Chicago 7 to see how the pros pepper in a little bit of variance to keep things interesting.

Some will like the look, others not so much. 

To see the images and listen to the special breakdown podcast click the link below:

The Wandering DP Patreon

Featured Guest - Cinematographer Alan Jacobsen

Personal Website:  Alan Jacobsen

About The Author

Cinematographer and host of The Wandering DP Podcast. You can see select examples of work at my personal site or follow me on instagram.

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