I thought I was going to be concise and that this series was going to be short and to the point but as always I managed to ramble to myself for almost an hour on what I think is the value that cinematographers can bring to a project.

Once you understand where you can add value it eliminates all of the noise that gets in the way of what really moves the needle.  I don't know if other DPs every think about these ideas but I know it helped me focus on what actually matters in a world of constant noise.

If you like these I might continue the series to talk more about the frame work and the individual components of that system from a ground up approach.

Don't worry if this episode isn't your thing we will be back to the regular schedule next week.


About The Author

Cinematographer and host of The Wandering DP Podcast. You can see select examples of work at my personal site or follow me on instagram.

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