I have been a big fan of Tobias Schliessler ASC for a number of years so it was great to finally get him on the show to discuss his work.
Tobias has shot a number of different high level features and commercials alike and his openness and experience in the world of cinematographer gave us a really good chance to sit down and hear how he approaches a project and the job in general.
Advanced Cinematography: On Set Training
Be sure to check back next week on the show notes page as the latest course "Advanced Cinematography: On Set Training" goes live on Feb. 23rd.
It is the next step in the cinematography education and I am excited to get it out in the world.
Patreon Content - News of the World

Over on Patreon this week we look at News of the World shot by none other than Dariusz Wolski ASC.
There are a ton of beautiful moments throughout the film but we focus our attention on one of the most daunting tasks for any DP regardless of skill level or budget.
The day exterior scene that appears on screen for a matter of minutes but needs to be filmed over hours or days is the ultimate testing ground for DPs. In this film Dariusz does a great job of overcoming the issues that often plague these scenes and we try and take away some pointers as to the choices he made and why he might have made them.
To check out the Patreon content and watch the video click the link below:
Featured Guest - Tobias A. Schliessler ASC
Personal Website: Tobias A. Schliessler