This week on the podcast we are testing out a new format by delving in to the Patreon group chats over on Discord.
Last week I asked if there was someone inside the group that wanted to come and share their experiences at a slightly different level than we were use to on the show and the response was fantastic.
So many folks reached out that instead of selecting one I decided to just hop on the group chat and see what came of it.
In the future I would add a bit more structure to it all but I like the idea of reaching out to people at various points on the production ladder more.
Patreon Podcast: Doubt & the Alexa Mini LF

Over on the Feature Film Breakdown Series we tackle a very complex scene from the underrated Doubt shot by Roger Deakins ASC BSC.
Also look out later in the week for our first look at the Alexa Mini LF. I am on a job Wednesday - Friday with the MiLF and I'll throw up initial impressions some time later in the week for everyone.
You can find this week's Patreon content by clicking the link below:
If you are a fan of the podcast and want more video content the patreon group is the place to be. Each and every week I release an exclusive podcast, video, or live stream just for the Patreon members.
The podcast couldn't exist without the Patreon support and I do my best to take care of the supporters.
Our Sponsor:
Shot Lister are generously giving away 50 free downloads to the Wandering DP Podcast community. All you have to do to claim your copy is email Get in before they are all gone!
Member Spotlight: Josh Hill
During this recording we spent the majority of the time chatting with L.A. based DP Josh Hill. Check out some of Josh's work by clicking the links below: