Cinematographer Crille Forsberg FSF is my guest on the podcast this week.  

Crille has been in the business a long time and has worked on such a wide variety of projects, with different directors, production companies, clients and whatever else can vary from job to job and he shares his vast wealth of experience with us today.

Do yourselves a favor and head over to his website linked in the show notes below and enjoy our conversation that touches on a number of different aspects of his approach and how it has evolved over time.

Hit the Hotline:

Hit the Hotline

Click the link below to leave your question or message for the show and get it featured on next week's episode 

If you have questions or comments about the show that you want featured on future episodes hit the button below to leave a voice recording.  

We go through and listen to all the messages each week and we will do our best to get your recording featured on next week's episode.

Feature Film Podcast - The Daily Updates

This week is our last week of Pre before the break and also the start of the daily diary from the offices and eventually from on set.  Lots of info to take in as decisions happen on the fly and choices are made that will greatly impact the finished film.

It has been an awesome experience so far and I am looking forward to coming back from the break and putting all the pieces together before we start rolling in the end of January.

To follow along with the Feature Film journey in real time click the link below to check out the weekly podcast:

The Wandering DP Patreon

Featured Guest: DP Crille Forsberg FSF

About The Author

Cinematographer and host of The Wandering DP Podcast. You can see select examples of work at my personal site or follow me on instagram.

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