On the show this week we are chatting with cinematographer/director Daisy Zhou about her experience in the industry, navigating the commercial landscape, and we discuss how the film business in general appears to be shifting.

Lots of great stuff in this one and be sure to check out Daisy's work below.  


Advanced Cinematography: Location Lighting

You like cinematography. 

Me too.

I made a course so I could distill everything I know about lighting an interior scene on location so you could steal all my secrets and make them your own.  I hope it helps.

If you are interested in seeing the Framework in action I highly suggest you check it out:

Advanced Cinematography - Location Lighting

Patreon Breakdown - Euphoria


The Patreon breakdown this week is Euphoria.  I can't remember a series that has had a stronger look applied to it than this and in the video we look at some of the elements and discuss how they work individually and what happens when they are combined.

To watch the video click the link below:

The Wandering DP Patreon

Featured Guest - Cinematographer/Director Daisy Zhou

Website: Daisy Zhou

Instagram: @daysezo