On the show today we chat with cinematographer Sebastian Thaler about his work on the movie 7500.
The movie is unique in a number of ways and Sebastian talks through his approach, dealing with the challenges, and working with a director with a very unique style.
Commercial Cinematography: The Foundation Course
If you are interested in Commercial Cinematography and getting the most out of Pre-Production than this course is for you.
In the course I lay out a step by step plan of action to get on commercial production radars and raise the level of your projects by maximising the prep time you have at your disposal.
Check it out:
Patreon Podcast - Cars & Cars

Over on the Compare & Contrast podcast for the Patreon group we are looking at a show that changed how car scenes are shot.
True Detective was a breakthrough for cinematography. It was lit a certain way, shot a certain way, and over night influenced the way cinematrographers worked.
In this week's episode we look at the car work as the show progressed over the years and we breakdown why it had such an impact and how we can use the techniques in our own work going forward.
To see the images and listen to the special breakdown podcast click the link below:
Featured Guest - Cinematographer Sebastian Thaler
Personal Website: Sebastian Thaler
Instagram: @sebastianthaler_dp