Patrick O'Sullivan - Cinematographer
The Wandering DP Podcast: Episode #312 - Peter Mosiman (Part #1)
We are closing out 2021 with a banger. I sit down for a two part episode with cinematographer Peter Mosiman to talk about work, life, social media and more.
Peter was on the show back in Episode #137 and it was great to catch up and here where the road has led him up to this point. Plus we made a few more predictions for next time he is on which should be fun to track.
Thanks again for another amazing year and looking forward to many more.
Advanced Cinematography: Location Lighting
You like cinematography.
Me too.
I made a course so I could distill everything I know about lighting an interior scene on location so you could steal all my secrets and make them your own. I hope it helps.
If you are interested in seeing the Framework in action I highly suggest you check it out:
Patreon Breakdown - Land

This week over on the Patreon Breakdown for supporters of the show we take an extensive look at the cinematography behind Land.
Shot by Bobby Bukowski this film leans heavily into the natural light and feel of the surroundings and it provides a great opportunity to see how they dealt with the challenges of exterior shooting in seemingly challenging conditions.
To watch the video click the link below:
Featured Guest - Cinematographer Peter Mosiman
Website: Peter Mosiman
Instagram: @petermosiman