We are picking up where we left off last week in our journey into the world of basic camera movement.

In this one we cover the dolly, gimbals, steadicam, and more.  

This is it for the intro on my thoughts for camera movement so from now on we will delve deeper into these concepts in breakdown episodes.


Advanced Cinematography: Location Lighting

The latest course is now live.

Follow along from the prep to all of the on set lighting inside a virtual world.  Using the latest pre-viz technology you can come on set and look through the camera as we light and shoot a tvc from start to finish.

This style of cinematography education is the future of where it is all going and I am very proud of the material.  If you have ever been interested to see the Framework in action this is the perfect opportunity.

The course is designed to show you every decision I make along the way, when I make them, and lays out why I operate that way.  It may not be the best way but it has worked for me.

If you are interested in seeing the Framework in action I highly suggest you check it out:

Advanced Cinematography - Location Lighting

Patreon Breakdown - Mystery Box