This week on the podcast we are breaking down a commercial I shot early last year.
The spot combines a small interior bedroom set up and a working retail space so there are quite a few hurdles to jump over to get the job done.
Enjoy the breakdown and if you have any questions please let me know!
Advanced Cinematography: On Set Training
Are you interested in coming on set with me and seeing how I work on a typical commercial? Do you want to see the Framework in action and follow along as the various pieces are added to see the before and after differences?
If so than please check out the latest course from the Wandering DP:
Advanced Cinematography - On Set Training
This course follows a project from start to finish and you get to come on a virtual set and see how all the shots are designed. The positive feedback from students has been overwhelming and the new technology that runs the course and allows you to see lighting and framing decisions in real time has changed the way cinematographers will learn forever.
Patreon Breakdown: The Fundamentals of Caring

On the Patreon Breakdown this week we take a look at a few different scenes from the 2016 film The Fundamentals of Caring shot by Giles Nuttgens BSC.
The main scene we focus on is a great example of something that might read very simple on the page but once you start to do the mental math of the coverage needed it can get very complicated very quickly.
Lots of takeaways from this one and I am excited to get it out there.
You can find this week's Patreon content by clicking the link below:
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Patreon members also get access to the Private Facebook community for the show. The podcast couldn't exist without the Patreon support and I do my best to take care of the supporters.
A New Leaf - The Spot
Camera Gear:
We shot this on the Alexa Mini LF in Full Sensor mode and used the Cooke Speed Panchros which cover from 40mm and up.
A slightly wider lens would have been nice in the bedroom interior but we knew what we were up against on the scout and decided the pros the Panchros offered outweighed the cons.
The Location - Retail and Residential
For this spot we were based in two very different locations.
The first we are going to look at is a real bedroom in a small condo. It was a very tight fit and locations were limited in the area we needed them so sacrifices had to be made. If we would have had a little bit more room we could have altered the light in camera to more closely represent what we wanted out of the final image.
The other location was a working retail shop inside a typical mini-mall environment. Terrible overhead lighting needed to be attended to and lighting options were limited as the store had several restrictions.
The Spot - Shot by Shot
Set Up #1 - The Bedroom

The Shot
The camera slowly pushes in on the talent as he plays the guitar.
The Lighting
The idea was to create a wash of soft key light using a sliding door frame right then accent the BG with a harder slash. The limited space and access to the shooting area meant we had to scrap the harder accent on the day and just use the soft key which flattened things out quite a bit.
We used a 4k HMI outside and pushed it through a 12x12 and the sheers on the sliding door.
Inside to provide some much needed wrap we used an Arri Skypanel S-60 with a softbox and grid.
We also pushed some haze in the room to help give us some depth.
Frame right the wall you can't see is covered with Neg.
The Result

Set Up #2 - The Same But Closer

The Shot
Same push in but we bumped up a lens and moved the track closer.
The Lighting
See Above.
The Result

Set Up #3 - The Mirror Reverse

The Shot
We shot into the mirror to show that the talent was actually playing for himself.
The Lighting
Same as shot #1 but we added a small tube light frame left to just lift the darkest area of the image and fatten the exposure a little. The effect is very slight.
The Result

Set Up #4 - Retail Coverage

The Shot
Our hero talent chatting with the salesman about the product.
The Lighting
We killed all the overhead lights at the location to clean the palette up and then added our own key and ambient light sources.
For the key we used an Arri M18 through a 12x12 and the used a 4k through another frame for the mid ground BG area.
We used a Skypanel for the edge light and then added Neg all along frame right.
The Result

Set Up #5 - The Reverse

The Shot
The reverse of the conversation with the salesman.
The Lighting
We used all the same fixtures as shot #4 but rotated them accordingly.
The Result

Shot #6 - The Approach

The Shot
The hero talent walks along a selection of guitars before eyeing up his favorite.
The Lighting
Same as above.
The Result

Set Up #7 - The Exit

The Shots
The hero talent exits the store with his newly purchased guitar.
The Lighting
We waited until magic hour to help balance the store interior with the exterior reflections in the window. We had to do multiple passes with different talent so the balance only increase as we continued shooting.
Frame left is 2 12x12 of Neg to help add some contrast to the natural soft magic hour light.
The Result