Cinematographer Matthew J. Lloyd sits down with us today to chat about his experience behind the camera.  We go over how he made his early marks in the business, transitioning from the commercial world to the feature world, and what gets him interested in a project these days.

Be sure to check out some of Matthew's work below and let him know you checked out his interview on the show.

Hit the Hotline:

Hit the Hotline

Click the link below to leave your question or message for the show and get it featured on next week's episode 

If you have questions or comments about the show that you want featured on future episodes hit the button below to leave a voice recording.  

We go through and listen to all the messages each week and we will do our best to get your recording featured on next week's episode.

Patreon - A Look Behind the Scenes

Over on Patreon this week we go behind the scenes on the feature film and break down some of the lighting and lensing from the project.

We will look at the schedule, the locations, the conversations around the approach, the lighting, and all the other choices that went in to getting the shots that we did.

To follow along with the Feature Film journey in real time click the link below to check out the weekly podcast:

The Wandering DP Patreon

Featured Guest - Cinematographer Matthew J. Lloyd

Personal Website:  Matthew J. Lloyd