Kicking off the new year in style with our guest on the show today Mr. Albert Salas.

I've been a fan of Albert's commercial work for a bit now and it was great to get a chance to chat as he makes his way in to the feature world.

He has a great eye and I think you are going to enjoy hearing his back story and how he works now.


Hit the Hotline:

Hit the Hotline

Click the link below to leave your question or message for the show and get it featured on next week's episode 

If you have questions or comments about the show that you want featured on future episodes hit the button below to leave a voice recording.  

We go through and listen to all the messages each week and we will do our best to get your recording featured on next week's episode.

Feature Film Podcast - Camera Tests

This week has been all about camera and lens testing.  We have done exposure tests, Arriraw vs. Prores tests, lighting tests, lens tests, costume tests, make up tests, and we even tested our tests to make sure they were testing properly.

Over on Patreon this week I will walk through a few of the test results with you and discuss what we were looking for, what we found, and how that information is informing how we approach the actual shoot.

This is really where the nuts and bolts of our approach is getting hammered out so if you are interested in the technical side of things this is a week over on Patreon that should not be missed.

To follow along with the Feature Film journey in real time click the link below to check out the weekly podcast:

The Wandering DP Patreon

Featured Guest - Cinematographer Albert Salas

Website: Albert Salas

Instagram: albertsalas_r