Patrick O'Sullivan - Cinematographer
The Wandering DP Podcast: Episode #436 - Cinematographer Martim Vian
This week on the show we are chatting with cinematographer Martim Vian about his latest film Lazareth.
Martim shares a number of unique insights from his time on the film and highlights his process for bringing a script to life through the visual language of a project.
Be sure to check out the trailer below and give Martim a follow over on Instagram to stay up on the his latest work going forward.
Cinematography Playbook: Volume III - New Course is LIVE

Course Link: A Cinematography System: The Playbook Approach - Volume III
The 3rd installment of the B.O.D.V.O. Cinematography System is officially available as of today.
This latest course is all about the most challenging set up for any cinematographer and that is a scene between 3 or more people looking in multiple directions.
The more variables the more chances of things going sideways on the day and in pre-production. If you aren't on top of all of the options and understand all of the choices at your fingertips you are going to leave shape on the table.
This course outlines how I think about shooting these scenes, we go over all of the various options, look at the pros and cons so that you can be the most knowl;edgable person on set when these situations arise.
The further out in to the future you can see the better you are going to be able to guide the crew and those around you to a final sequence that you are happy with.
Happy directors, happy producers and happy crew mean more jobs in the future because you are providing value to the production. It is win, win for everyone.
I am super excited to get this information out in to the hands of cinematographers around the world.
If you want to learn more about the course check it out here:
Patreon Breakdown - Barbie

We are back with a film breakdown this week over on Patreon and we are taking an extended look at Barbie shot by Rodrigo Prieto ASC.
This film isn't exactly in the wheel house of projects I would normally look at but that is exactly why we should be doing it to try and expand our horizons and see what techniques they are using to achieve this unique look.
If you want to check out the video clink the link below:
Featured Guest - Cinematographer Martim Vian
Website: Martim Vian
Instagram: @martimvian