Patrick O'Sullivan - Cinematographer
The Wandering DP Podcast: Episode #434 - The Joy of 360 Degrees
Breakdown Episode!
Today we are looking at job that has all the hallmarks of a challenging operation.
Tiny location, no room to light, tough style to emulate, and not a lot of time to do it.
Then again, these jobs are always the most fun.
Course: Mastering Exposure

In the course I detail how I learned exposure and I share how I would get up to speed the fastest way possible if I was starting over today.
Cinematography can seem incredibly complex but underneath it all there are some fundamental decisions that must be made if you are going to get images you are happy with. Exposure and understanding how to best manipulate exposure and why one way is better or more efficient than another is absolutely essential if you are going to work with a crew and on schedule.
This course is my attempt at sharing my exact process so you don't have to struggle to find answers like I did.
If you are interested you can check out the course here:
Patreon Podcast - Wrapping the Light
This week over on Patreon I am releasing a podcast on the subtleties of wrapping the key light when using the framework apporach.
As your skills get sharper and sharper you are going to end up demanding more and more nuance from all of your fixtures on set. In this podcast I talk about my own progression and give some advanced pointers that can help you leap frog what took me years to figure out.
If you want to hear the podcast or check out any of the past content you can find it all by clicking the link below:
The Spot - The Joy of 360 Degrees

Shot #1 - The Wide
The Shot
This is the master angle for the entire commercial. The two people in the frame are interacting with a 2D animation as it dances around the room.
The Lighting
In this spot we saw the entire bathroom you are looking at in this still. It was a real location which meant low-ish ceiling and no grid to light from.
We put the grid in with a bunch of Fiilex LEDs to give it the retro feel.
Outside we had to tent the window and add another LED panel to create the moonlight effect on the bushes that art department had put there.
Inside we added a china ball overhead in the foreground for general ambient and then added practicals as well to spice the frame up a little.
The Result

Shot #2 - Down the Line

The Shot
The camera moves in as our main talent interacts with the animation and sings along to the theme song.
The Lighting
Same as the previous shot but we have added some titan tubes being pushed through a 4x4 frame to bring the light from high to low a bit more.
You can also see the effects of another LED out the back right window along the curtains in the BG.
The Result

Shot #3 - Closer

The Shot
We went in for a slightly tighter version of the previous set up.
The Lighting
Same as above.
The Result

Shot #4 - Top Down

The Shot
This shot was the peak of the song moment before the real owners of the house walk in and bust the fake folks.
The Lighting
The same fixture are being used as before but they have all been slightly modified position wise to accommodate for the camera position which is touching the ceiling as it looks down.
The Result

Shot #5 - The Flop

The Shot
Now looking the other way inside our bathroom the singer interacts with the animation.
The Lighting
The set up for 90% of it is mostly the same as before. Titan tubes through a 4x4 frame do the heavy lifting on the talent.
The only real additions are the Apeture bulb in the shower behind the door and the Fiilex Q8 out the window in the doorway.
The Result

Shot #6 - Reality Kicks In

The Shot
In the middle of the song the real owners of the house walk in to jump in the bath.
The Lighting
Same as above but the China ball above is doing most of the work on the talent in their current position.
Plus you get a better view of the bulb in the show that we placed for a bit of interest.
The Result

Shot #7 - The Exit

The Shot
The fake characters sneak around the real talent as the commercial comes to an end.
The Lighting
Same as above.
The Result