Patrick O'Sullivan - Cinematographer

The Wandering DP Podcast: Episode #287 - Fashion Film

Patrick O'Sullivan - Cinematographer         Patrick O'Sullivan - Cinematographer        
The Wandering DP Podcast: Episode #287 - Fashion Film           The Wandering DP Podcast: Episode #287 - Fashion Film          
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    On the show today we are finally branching out and breaking down a bit of a different style TVC.

    It isn't very often we get to look at something a bit more fashion and that is exactly what we are doing today.  Not much lighting from an electric point of view in this episode but lots of focus on shooting schedule, location, and orientation and how those things come together to create the final image.

    Enjoy the behind the scenes look!

    Advanced Cinematography: On Set Training

    Are you interested in coming on set with me and seeing how I work on a typical commercial?  Do you want to see the Framework in action and follow along as the various pieces are added to see the before and after differences?

    If so than please check out the latest course from the Wandering DP:

    Advanced Cinematography - On Set Training

    This course follows a project from start to finish and you get to come on a virtual set and see how all the shots are designed.  The positive feedback from students has been overwhelming and the new technology that runs the course and allows you to see lighting and framing decisions in real time has changed the way cinematographers will learn forever.

    Patreon Podcast: The Tomorrow War

    This week for our Patreon Breakdown we are looking at The Tomorrow War shot by Larry Fong ASC.  Larry has done some incredible work and this film certainly leans in to the classic sci-fi looks.

    Lots of good stuff throughout to discuss so make sure you head over to Patreon to see the whole breakdown.

    You can find this week's Patreon content by clicking the link below:

    The Wandering DP Patreon Group

    If you are a fan of the podcast and want more video content the patreon group is the place to be.  Each and every week I release an exclusive podcast, video, or live stream just for the Patreon members.

    Patreon members also get access to the Private Facebook community for the show.  The podcast couldn't exist without the Patreon support and I do my best to take care of the supporters.

    Fashion Film - The Spot

    Camera Gear:

    We shot this on the Alexa Mini LF paired with the Sigma Cine Primes.

    The only diffusion was some light Black Promist use.

    For lighting it is primarily Ultra Bounce and Neg for exterior work and some LED tubes for the interior scenes.

    The Spot - Shot by Shot

    Shot 1 - The Morning Beach

    The Shot

    The ad ends with a slow push in on a jockey as he eye balls the camera.

    The Lighting

    This was the hero shot of the ad so we made the best use of the location and the light and scheduled this shot as the first of the day.

    We oriented the action so that the camera was facing North and used a 4x4 frame of highlight to cut the sun on the talent.  Then we used a 12x12 of Ultra bounce to wrap the sun on his key side.

    Finally we had two 4x4 floppies camera right to create the contrast we were after.

    The Result


    Set Up #2 - The Front Light CU

    The Shot

    Lady walks camera left to right and notices the stage in the middle of the beach.

    The Lighting

    WE used the sky soft box from the morning sun as the key and added shape by walking an 8x8 of Neg frame left.

    The Result

    The Storyboard

    Set Up #3 - The Pinnacles

    The Shot

    The camera rushes forward as dancers exit frame and the singer belts out a tune.

    The Lighting

    We needed to shoot for both pre-dawn looks and sun up looks.  

    Frame right is an 8x8 of Ultra Bounce and frame left is a series of Neg frames trying to suck up as much of the light as possible from the fill side.

    The Result

    Set Up #4 - The Grand Wide

    The Shot

    Closer version of above.

    The Lighting

    The sun had moved up in the sky by the time we moved in.  We brought all the gear from the wider shot closer and added a 4x4 frame of Hi-Lite frame right for the sun.

    The Result

    The Storyboard

    Set Up #5 - The Model Toss

    The Shot

    Model throws dress in the air and camera pushes in.

    The Lighting

    Same as above but now we have an 8x8 Hi-Lite to diffuse the sun as we have moved wider and there is more of here to cover than a 4x4 would do.

    The Result

    The Storyboard

    Shot #6 - The Orchard

    The Shot

    Model chillin' in the back of an old time truck.

    The Lighting

    We used a 12x12 Ultra Bounce for the Sun return and then a 12x12 of Neg flopped over frame left to cut the ambient return.

    The Result

    Set Up Location

    Shot #7 - The Neon World

    The Shot

    The dancing couple dances their way across the frame.

    The Lighting

    These tubes where all installed and controlled by an operator who was able to instantly pull up any movement or arrangement of color we needed.

    We added some par cans in the BG to accent the haze and then moved the levels up and down as the dancers made their way through the scene.

    The Result

    Shot #8 - The Fashion Pose

    The Shots

    Models weaving in and out of the LED strips looking at the camera.

    The Lighting

    We used the in shot LED practicals to sell the mood and then double up a few of the tubes just off camera to act as the key light.

    The Result

    The Storyboard

    Shot #10 - The Exit

    The Shots

    Same as above.

    The Lighting

    Same as above.

    The Result

    What is the Framework?

    Click the link below to get access to a

    FREE 6 part video series that walks you through the key elements of the Cinematography Framework.

    It is time to take your cinematography skills to the next level.

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      About The Author

      Cinematographer and host of The Wandering DP Podcast. You can see select examples of work at my personal site or follow me on instagram.

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