A few episodes back on the podcast I ran through my thoughts on owning gear and the gross miscalculation of lifetime returns that most working cinematographers make.

If you miss opportunities as large as the one that most DPs have in front of them it is going to be very difficult to get ahead even if you are very in demand for your skills.

This week I wanted to go in to the two main areas I didn't discuss on the last show and that is camera and lenses.  These two categories are by far the most difficult and require the most nuance when you are spouting off advice to a large cohort of individuals at one time.

I have screwed up majorly when buying in both of these departments and I am sure many of you will have similar stories.  Hopefully you can learn from my mistakes.


About The Author

Cinematographer and host of The Wandering DP Podcast. You can see select examples of work at my personal site or follow me on instagram.

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