Patrick O'Sullivan - Cinematographer

The Wandering DP Podcast: Episode #402 - Anastas Michos ASC GSC

Patrick O'Sullivan - Cinematographer         Patrick O'Sullivan - Cinematographer        
The Wandering DP Podcast: Episode #402 - Anastas Michos ASC GSC           The Wandering DP Podcast: Episode #402 - Anastas Michos ASC GSC          
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    Anastas Michos ASC GSC is our guest on the show this week.  

    We chat about his most recent work on Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities and more.  

    Anastas has a wealth of experience in the industry and it was great to hear how he has evolved over time and where he finds himself most effective on set and in pre-production.


    Mastering Exposure - New Course is LIVE

    New course has been out in the wild for a month now.  Tons of great feedback and it's great to hear how positive people are responding to the material.

    Course Link:  Mastering Exposure: The Language of Image Creation

    Understanding exposure was key to my development as a cinematographer and the first major unlock of knowledge that made a measurable impact on my ability to create images I was happy with.  

    The system I used to strengthen my understanding of exposure and how to improve my ability to recognize various patterns of exposure gave me an ability to bypass years of on set experience.  The tools that I used and still use to this day were simply unavailable to cinematographers up until a very short time ago.

    In Mastering Exposure I breakdown my techniques for learning exposure, we go over just how important exposure actually is, and then lay out my workflow from start to finish as to how to use the knowledge you gain from your studies.

    I can confidently say that nothing has made a larger impact on my cinematography abilities than my thorough approach to understanding exposure and how to manipulate it in the most efficient way possible.  

    My hope is the course will be as impactful for you and your career.

    If you want to learn more about the course check it out here:

    Mastering Exposure: The Language of Image Creation

    Patreon Breakdown - In Time

    I am a simple man.  I see In Time and I click on it.  

    I have broken this film down before in the Patreon Breakdowns before but I think it was back when we were only doing stills.  Either way it is worth checking out again. 

    In my mind it is a classic for simple cinematography that looks easy but is actually difficult to pull off in reality. Lots to learn.

    If you want to check out the video clink the link below:

    The Wandering DP Podcast Patreon

    Featured Guest - Cinematographer Anastas Michos ASC GSC

    What is the Framework?

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    It is time to take your cinematography skills to the next level.

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      About The Author

      Cinematographer and host of The Wandering DP Podcast. You can see select examples of work at my personal site or follow me on instagram.

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