Patrick O'Sullivan - Cinematographer

The Wandering DP Podcast: Episode #155 - Rob Witt

Patrick O'Sullivan - Cinematographer         Patrick O'Sullivan - Cinematographer        
The Wandering DP Podcast: Episode #155 - Rob Witt           The Wandering DP Podcast: Episode #155 - Rob Witt          
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    One of the nicest guys we have had on the podcast is my guest today, cinematographer Rob Witt.

    Rob has done a ton of great work in the music video and commercial world and his story about making the move in to the film business is one a lot of people can relate with.

    Enjoy the episode and be sure to follow Rob over and instagram and check out a small sample of his work below.


    Hit the Hotline:

    Hit the Hotline

    Click the link below to leave your question or message for the show and get it featured on next week's episode 

    If you have questions or comments about the show that you want featured on future episodes hit the button below to leave a voice recording.  

    We go through and listen to all the messages each week and we will do our best to get your recording featured on next week's episode.

    Feature Film Podcast - The Joys of Scriptation

    Do yourselves a favor if you are every going to shoot anything that has a script.  

    Click the link below and check out Scriptation for the Ipad and Iphone.  It will save you a bucket of time and makes the process of breaking down a script a much simpler affair.

    Scriptation - Script Software

    On the podcast I will chat through how I am breaking down the feature script and what sort of workflow we are going for on set.

    To follow along with the Feature Film journey in real time click the link below to check out the weekly podcast:

    The Wandering DP Patreon

    Featured Guest: DP Rob Witt

    Website: Rob Witt

    Instagram: @robwittdidit

    What is the Framework?

    Click the link below to get access to a

    FREE 6 part video series that walks you through the key elements of the Cinematography Framework.

    It is time to take your cinematography skills to the next level.

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      About The Author

      Cinematographer and host of The Wandering DP Podcast. You can see select examples of work at my personal site or follow me on instagram.

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