The Wandering DP Podcast: Episode #70 – Bar Lighting

In today’s episode of the podcast break down some bar lighting we did on a recent tv commercial.

Bar lighting is always a bit tricky and we discuss how we used some negative aspects of the locations to help define the look of the project.

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The Frames – Bar Lighting





Lighting Breakdown

1 2 3 4 4a 4c 4d 5 6

Technical Info

Camera: RED Weapon 6k MG

Lenses: Cooke 2x Anamorphics

Format: 2.35

FPS: 25

ISO: 400 – 1280

Shutter Speed: 18o degrees

Lighting Equipment

Arri 4k

12×12 Frame with 1/2 grid

Hive Plasma Par

Chimera Large Pancake

Kino 4×4 Daylight

Arri M18

8×8 Frame with Full Grid

8×8 Ultra Bounce Fabric

12×12 Lame (I said Stipple during the podcast but it was actually Lame)

4×4 Poly

Behind the Scenes 

1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1

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3 Responses

  1. Dan Swinton

    Love the podcasts. Keep it up bra!

  2. Dan Garee

    Thanks again for a great post Patrick. I watched the TVC on YouTube and was wondering about the camera movement. How was the movement accomplished. Loose fluid head? Easy-Rig? Pan & Scan in post?

    Great cinematography and thanks again.

    • Wandering DP

      Thanks Dan!

      The movement is all Easy-rig float.