Another awesome podcast today with a cinematographer that I have wanted to get on the show for a very long time.  Christopher Probst ASC is our guest on the show today and we only just scratched the surface of his work and knowledge.

So much so, that we are doing a Part #2 with him as we barely touched on any of his actual work.  

It was a great conversation and I am thankful there are people like Christopher out there smart enough to explain complex things in an easy manner to people like myself.


Patreon Podcast - Prisoners in Silhouette

We are dipping our toes in familiar waters this week over on the Patreon Podcast.  We take a long look at establishing shots and style in Roger Deakins ASC BSC Prisoners.

Lots of great things to go over in this film but we focus our time on shooting silhouettes and wides.  This was a fun one to check out so make sure you give it a listen and check out the stills over on the Patreon page to follow along.

To see the images and listen to the special breakdown podcast click the link below:

The Wandering DP Patreon

Featured Guest - Christopher Probst ASC

Personal Website:  Christopher Probst ASC

Instagram: @probstdp